The deadline for teacher registration is January 15, 2025
The deadline for submission of works is February 28, 2025
North American Culture and Education Academy Inc (NACEA)
New American International Culture Corporation (NAIC)
Recommend your students’ Chinese song video works
Teacher’s Registration: https://forms.gle/Nas5BNDtZVw96WYN8 (By 1/15/2025)
Upload Videos
Rules and Guidelines
You’re invited to participate in the 2025 Sing With Me Chinese Music Video Competition in the United States!
The competition is open to elementary, middle, high school, and college students enrolled in formal Chinese language classes. All entries must be submitted by Chinese language teachers/instructors who serve as the guide and contact person of the team.
Showcase Students’ Learning Outcomes via Musical Performance: Inspire Chinese language learners in American K-12 schools and universities to demonstrate their Chinese language and artistic talents.
Foster Creativity: By learning and recording Chinese music videos, learners can use artistic and technical tools and methods to express their creativity, feelings, voices, and ideas on select themes.
Enrich Chinese Language Curriculum and Instruction: By incorporating music into the curriculum and instruction, Chinese language programs can expand content and deepen students’ learning experiences
Chinese language learners enrolled in a Chinese language program in an accredited public, charter, private, or parochial school in Grades K-12 or institutions of higher education may enter the contest. The Chinese language class can be in an immersion, dual language immersion, or world language setting. (Please note that weekend heritage language schools are excluded from this competition.)
There are three categories for Music Video competition. Teams must select one category to enter during registration:
1. Grades K-5
2. Grades 6-12
3. Institutions of higher education
Note: The numbers of awards will be determined based on the numbers of entry under each category. For example, if the college has lower entries, the numbers of award will be lower than other categories accordingly.
We welcome students from diverse backgrounds (linguistic, cultural, racial, ethnic, LGBT, or exceptional ability) to participate in the contest. See details in Team Structure below.
Each school can have three entries, regardless of one or two different teachers. This encourages more entry from one school but allows for more open participation nationwide.
Team Structure
Team Coach/Contact Person: A full- or part-time Chinese language teacher contracted to teach a Chinese language class in the school/district. This person is responsible for registering, coaching, managing the team, and communicating with the project personnel. The team may have two coaches, but only one should serve as the main contact.
Team Members: A team may consist of one or more members, which includes Chinese language students and their schoolmates who love singing Chinese songs but are not currently taking Chinese during this academic year. All participants must be students and their Chinese teachers.
Registration and Deadline:
Registered by teachers only: https://forms.gle/Nas5BNDtZVw96WYN8
Deadline: 11:59 pm PT on or before January 15th, 2025
Music Video Submission Deadline:
11:59 pm PT on or before February 28th, 2025
Consent Forms
Please upload the Consent Form for media use when you submit your music video.
1. K-12 Parent Consent Form
2. College Consent Form
3. K-12 Group Consent Form
4. College Group Consent Form
• Please rename the PDF file to “Grade Category-Name of Project Lead” before you upload it online.
签字后请用PDF文件上传,文件名格式为“年级类别-领队姓名” 如:
k-5-Tom Smith; (for grades k-5)
6-12-Tom Smith; (for grades 6-12)
C-Tom Smith; (for College)
• Please fill in the Information Sheet of Student Participants for group work
Designated Songs from the Project Music Library:
○ 9 winning Songs from “2022 Sing with Me” Chinese Song Lyric Writing Contest
Please visit our music library to access these songs: https://www.singwithme.org/songoftheawardwinners
○ 11 recommended songs free of copyright issues(From 2024):
○ 23 recommended songs free of copyright issues(From 2025):
○ Self-selected songs (must submit Music Video by Youtube, and the original audio or video sample link of the song)
Information Webinar Resources:
○Webinar PowerPoint:
Certificates of achievement will be awarded to all participants.
Students with 8 final winning works and several honorable mention award works will receive trophies or medals.
Teachers whose student works win 9 final prizes will receive gift certificates.
Selected works may be posted in social media platforms, such as Youtube, Facebook, Tik Tok, etc. for promotional purposes besides the event website.
入选作品除在大赛专属网站上公开发表外,优秀作品也会在Youtube, Facebook, Tik Tok 等社交媒体上发表。